Friday, August 28, 2009

dress cookies all decorated

cookies every where!

I am doing a little charity drive, I made a hundred dress cookies and passed them out at church, to neighbors and to friends. With the hope of collecting 100 outfits for Dress for Success and the Springs rescue mission, Dress for success needs professional quality outfits and the other needs everyday wear. I'm also collecting coats. The cookies were a fun way to invite people to participate and P.and I had loads of fun making and decorating them. I am hoping to have all clothes by Sept. 25 and I asked people to read The Hundred dresses, to get into the spirit of my little clothing drive. I will let you know how it went . I bundled the cookies up and put a poem on them by Richard Gillard " We are Pilgrims on a journey and companions on the road: we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load"

A cascade of morning glories

my back fence full flowers

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hello friends and family,

I have been busy in my gardens, flower and vegetable as you can see from my beautiful pictures.

We have been eating fresh peas, green beans, carrots and onions from our garden we have 5 cabbages on the way and are very excited about eating them when they are ready. We have pumpkins, peppers and squashes.

My kiddies will be starting their 3rd week of school tomorrow and all seems to be going well. N. is holding down 2 jobs and keeping up with his senior classes. He is amazing and I can't believe my little birdie will be old enough to leave our nest.
P. as you remember from last year, had an awful first few months of school, but this year she is doing so well, she started school and hasn't had any of last years drama and I couldn't be more proud of her.

I am a little lost with out my kids at home, even though I am busy, I have some fun things going on that I will tell you about later.

When I get a little down missing my kids I go and sit outside and stare at my beautiful backyard it brings me such joy.

I am training for my 3rd marathon, as most of you know, I have started a new asthma med. and my breathing has improved considerably, but now allergy season has hit and I am a mess, I also re-injured my knee a few weeks ago and I have been walking all my miles, my knee seems to be much better and I will start running again, this weekend I plan on running and walking 16 miles and I am looking forward to it.

large sunflowers

small sunflowers

beets from my garden