Saturday, March 12, 2011

new grocery bag.

I wanted to show the bag I made today I got the pattern from Green and unabashed on line, it turned out so cute.  P. and I took a walk to the grocery store and used our new bag, It worked great .  I changed the pattern a little by adding stiff  interfacing to the fabric and I'm glad I did.  The bag is reversable and it is made out of regular cotton fabric.  I only shop once a month and my 5 large bags are not enough so I plan on making 5 or 6 of these also. They don't take long to make at all, I used scraps from my material box

P. thinks It's pretty cool.

Everything I carried home in my bag.

Friday, March 11, 2011

 I have made some new towels, we have 2 baby boys who were born a couple of months ago and now that we know what we are passing out, we are catching up.  I plan to have a cupcake towel next week.

bear towel

bear towel all bundled up

bear wash rag

bear towel for a boy

completely finished product

wash rags to match the towel set

Molly being cute

Molly likes to be were I'm working, here she is in my basket that holds my iron and starch, she was hanging out there while I was sewwing

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sunday N. & P. were playing together, they were making me laugh, N. was hog tying P. and tickling her.  She would ask him to do it agian once he untied her, he is a wonderful big brother.  We had Sunday dinner together which was nice usually N. is busy and does not join us so we loved having him there.  I was asked by our Relief Society pres. to make a gift for a woman who had a baby, so I whipped up this a towel yesterday, it turned out so cute and I am proud of myself.  N. asked me on Sunday if I would go to target practice with him this week and I said yes but when he showed me one of his guns I worried that I might not have a shoulder left when we were done. (and oh yes Molly says hi)

silly kids

all wrapped up

hooded baby towel

Molly says hi

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fun projects

I have completed a couple of projects that I am excited about.  I installed a cat door so now my laundry room looks and smells like a laundry room and not a cat room, another advantage, kitty loves to be in the garage and now she can go when she wants to and not whine and wait for someone to help her.  It is working out great.

The other project was green shopping bags.  I found a cute pattern at Sew4Home and was lucky enough to have canvas that I purchased a year ago, it was on a clearance sale, so cheap I couldn't pass it up.  I made 5 of these bags and can't wait to use them.  I did go to P.'s school yesterday and have lunch with her, I used this bag to carry the lunches, my wallet and a gift I was dropping off to a friend. The bag worked wonderfully.

Cat door

Shopping bag